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Thứ Ba, ngày 22/10/2024
Turning wastewater and sewage into power


As renewable energy sources goes, solar rays have historically hogged the limelight. But two Virginia Tech researchers have stolen the spotlight from the sun by discovering a way to maximize the amount of electricity that can be generated from the wastewater we flush down the toilet. In details, their findings speaks to a growing sustainability movement to capture energy from existing waste to pot...
American support their local food


According to a new University of Iowa study, people are shopping farmers markets and joining food coops at record numbers because they enjoy knowing who grows their food and they believe the food is fresher and tastes better.
Disaster on the rise


In the last 7 years, an estimated one person every second has been forced to flee their home by a natural disaster, with 19.3 million people forced to flee their homes in 2014 alone, according to a new report.
Europe: Warming climate impacts wild boar


Increasingly mild winters have caused an abundance of acorns and beech nuts in Europe's woodlands, triggering a wild boar population explosion - just one of the effects of warming climate on wildlife populations. Such as, wild boar populations in Europe are getting out of control - and scientists are blaming climate change.
The reason of soil acidification


Australian and Chinese scientists have made significant progress in determining what causes soil acidification – a discovery that could assist in turning back the clock on degraded croplands.
The United Nations adopts resolution to face with wildlife crime


The United Nations (UN) has recently adopted a historic resolution committing all countries to ramp up their collective efforts to end the global poaching crisis and tackle the vast illegal wildlife trade. Initiated by Gabon and Germany and co-sponsored by 84 other nations, the UN General Assembly resolution, Tackling the Illicit Trafficking in Wildlife, is the result of 3 years of diplomatic effo...
World Bank helps handle the medical wastes


The World Bank has supported a project to build a medical waste treatment area with a total cost of US$5.4 million in Quang Ngai, health officials said. Among of that, $5 million will be funded through a loan from the World Bank and the rest will come from the local budget.
Blue-green algae threatens drinking and recreational water in United States


Blooms of toxic cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae are reported tobe a poorly monitored and underappreciated risk to recreational and drinking water quality in the United States, and may increasingly pose a global health threat.
The loss of Indonesian mangrove forests due to climate change


The loss of Indonesia's coastal mangrove forests for shrimp farming is a huge source of carbon emissions. But equally, a policy flip to preserve and recreate mangroves offers a major climate win.
It take years for forests to rebound from drought


According to a new study of drought impacts at forest sites worldwide, living trees took an average of 2 - 4 years to recover and resume normal growth rates after droughts ended, researchers report today in the journal Science.
Trophy hunting whether or not cause the loss of lions in Africa


To save the lions, we should not obsess about trophy hunting, but tackle much more serious problems - like snaring and habitat fragmentation.
Effective conservation for humpback Whale in Australia


Australia has one of the highest rates of animal species that face extinction, decline or negative impacts from human behavior in the world. However, over the last decade, there have been rare occurrences of animals that are rebounding and thriving. One example is the conservation success story of the recovery of the humpback whales that breed in both East and West Australian waters.