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Thứ Ba, ngày 16/07/2024
Prevent soil erosion with horse grass


For many years, farmers in Vinh Kien District - on the edge of Yen Bai and Tuyen Quang provinces - watched heavy rains wash away the soil of their farms, eroding the best soil layer for growing cassava. Many local households rely on cassava for their incomes, as well as on traditional rice paddy cultivation. And soil erosion has become much worse recently, as downpours grow more aggressive.
Global water resources are redistributed due to climate change


According to a study published today in the journal, "Scientific Reports", rising temperatures worldwide are changing not only weather systems, but the distribution of water around the globe.
JICA supports to improve water environment in Vietnam


Strengthening the capacity of water environment management in river basins is the important content of a project supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), with the aims to enhance building and implementing the ministry’s legal policies to improve the water environment at Vietnamese river basins, said Nguyen Hoang Phuong Lan from the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA).
Climate change impact on agriculture may be underestimated


About negative impacts of climate change on the food supply for a growing global population, a new study by researchers from Brown and Tufts universities showed that researchers have been overlooking how 2 key human responses to climate, how much land people choose to farm, and the number of crops they plant will impact food production in the future.
The worst saline intrusion ever in Mekong Delta


The water levels of the upper Mekong River are declining quickly and have reached the lowest level in 9 decades, leading to serious water shortages during the dry season (usually from November to April). Meanwhile, The Mekong Delta has nearly 4 million ha of farmland, accounting for almost 30% of Vietnam’s total farmland area, with over 50% under rice.
A number of stranded whales in India


Officials in India has said more than 80 whales are stranded off the country’s Southern coast. The top government official in the port town of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu state, M. Ravi Kumar said that officials had rescued and taken at least 36 of the mammals back to sea, but that they appeared to be disoriented, with some finding their way back to the beach. I
Slowing economy can not stop anti-pollution efforts in China


China’s environment Minister Chen Jining says the country will not go back to its era of pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment despite its slowing economy. He said China would continue to restructure its economy away from heavily polluting companies to create more room for “good companies” to develop and focus on developing technology, for example.
Illegal trading in wildlife poses risks to public health


According to environment experts, wildlife trading and the high demand for exotic meat, jewelry, medicine and even pets is a threat not only to bio-diversity, but also to public health. The products has both domestic and international origins, increases the risk of spreading diseases because trafficked animals are not quarantined.