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Party’s directions and State policies on medical waste management


In the past years, environmental management in health sector has made significant achievements, in particular in completing institutions and developing policies and legal documents in medical waste management. Year 2014 marked an important change in environmental regulations in general and environmental regulations for the health sector in particular.
Regulations on environmental crimes relating to biodiversity in the Penal Code 2015


On 27th November 2015, at the 10th meeting of the Việt Nam National Assembly Tenure XIII, National Assembly delegates endorsed the amended Penal Code (the Penal Code 2015). The Penal Code 2015 was the highest legal document, took effect on 1st July 2016.
Strengthening air environmental management in Việt Nam


A national action plan for air quality management by 2020, vision to 2025 was approved by Prime Minister at Decision no. 985a/QD-TTg on 1st June 2016. It plays an important role in strengthening air pollution management, particularly implementing Law on Environmental Protection 2014 and Decree no. 38/2015/ND-CP on waste and scarp management suitable for the Vietnamese context.
Formosa compensates 500 million USD for causing environmental problem in Việt Nam


On June 30th, 2016, the Government of Việt Nam organized an official press conference to announce: the Formosa Hatinh Steel Corporation caused the environmental problem leading to the mass of dead fish along the coastal of four Central provinces.
Environmental incident in Central provinces Lessons learned and solutions for environmental protecti...


An abnormal fish death incident started on 6th April 2016 in Hà Tĩnh and then spread to Quảng Bình on 10th April 2016, Thừa Thiên Huế on 15th April 2016 and Quảng Trị on 16th April 2016.
Vietnam puts proposals to promote global green growth


The Vietnamese delegation led by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Trần Hồng Hà has participated in the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) in Copenhagen, Denmark.