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Improving corporate social responsibility for sustainable development


   The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has recently organised a ceremony to launch the Programme of Sustainable Corporate Evaluation and Classification 2016 (SCECP). The Programme was conducted in accordance with the Việt Nam Government’s Announcement no.398/TB-VPCP issued on December 15th on ranking sustainable companies, beginning in 2016. The Environment Magazine has talked to Mr. Nguyễn Quang Vinh - VCCI’s Deputy Secretary General, to learn about the impact of the Programme.

Mr. Nguyễn Quang Vinh - Member of the Standing Committee, Deputy Secretary General of VCCI

   This is the first year VCCI organises the 2016 SCECP, in accordance with the Government’s policies. Could you list some criteria and requirements for a company that wants to become involved in this Programme?

   Mr. Nguyễn Quang Vinh: The SCECP is conducted based upon the Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI). CSI is the measure of the true value of corporations using criteria focusing on corporations’ socio-economic development and environmental protection. CSI contained 14 indicators to gather corporations’ general information, 137 indicators on corporations’ activities and their effects on the economy, environment and society, of which CSI included 20 indicators to assess corporations’ sustainable production and consumption, 32 indicators to evaluate how corporations comply with Vietnam’s regulations on protecting and improving the local environments, preventing pollution, saving natural resources and dealing with the impact of climate change, and 85 indicators to assess those corporate activities related to social development, human rights and labour rights.

   After the completion, CSI was piloted in 20 local enterprises that operate in different business sectors in the Việt Nam’s North and South. Those enterprises saw CSI as being well-designed, comprehensive, understandable and helpful in raising their awareness of environmental protections.

   All Vietnamese enterprises can sign up for the Evaluation Programme if they meet the following requirements: The corporation has a comprehensive plan for sustainable development; the corporation understands that environmental protection is the major framework to develop its operating mechanism, production and supply chain; the corporation has performed well in the market.

   What does the Sustainable Corporate Evaluation Programme mean in order to promote sustainable development among local enterprises and realise Việt Nam’s Green Growth Strategy?

   Mr. Nguyễn Quang Vinh: At the moment, consumers pay more attention to products and producers that commit to achieve sustainable development. An enterprise caring more about its sustainable development activities becomes comparatively competitive on the market. The Sustainable Corporate Evaluation Programme aims to assess how much an enterprise complies with sustainable development goals and encourages those enterprises to conduct sustainable business activities. Taking part in the Programme may help local enterprises improve their images on the market, define possible business opportunities and risks, improve their competitiveness and contribute their efforts to help Việt Nam accomplish the Green Growth Strategy.

Việt Nam Sustainable Development Enterprises Forum 2015

   To implement the Programme effectively, what solutions should VCCI provide to support local enterprises as they seek to maintain and improve their brands in the context of international economic integration?

   Mr. Nguyễn Quang Vinh: The Việt Nam’s Government has assigned VCCI and the Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD) to lead other units in conducting activities to achieve 17 sustainable development goals in Việt Nam. In 2016, VCCI prioritised the implementation of Resolution no.19/2015/NQ-CP on major missions and solutions to improve the business environment and the nation’s competitiveness during the period 2015 - 2016. The 16th goal deals with improving the mechanism and creating an attractive and competitive business environment. If you are concerned over how foreign investors feel about Việt Nam’s economic investment environment, you should realise that there is no other way, except increasing workers’ productivity in all sectors. VCCI has recently published a report, which mentions the status and factors that weigh on corporate competitiveness in the rubber, tea and coffee industries. Based on that report, VCCI will develop plans and recommendations for the Government to help strengthen the competitiveness of companies in these three sectors. This is also the way VCCI supports local businesses to achieve their sustainable development goals.

   Firstly, VCCI does not impose its philosophy on local companies. VCCI works with local businesses to address their strengths, problems and solutions for those problems. Companies that are evaluated, appreciate this type of interaction.

   Secondly, VCCI focuses on actions to promote an honest and transparent business environment for the 2015 - 2019 period and to create a united bloc of businesses. Companies that operate in the same sector sign transparency and honesty agreements with other organizations, including tax agencies, customs agencies and banks, then promote the agreements through the media to seek attention from the public in order to improve the business environment and enhance both the corporations’ and nation’s competitiveness.

   Thirdly, VCCI aims to achieve those goals related to food security and sustainable agriculture. VCCI has been working to award “green tags” for farmers and agricultural firms, turning them from “invisible” to “visible” in the global value chain.

   Fourthly, VCCI applies the Sustainable Development Index to evaluate and classify local companies.

   Fifthly, VCCI continues to promote activities on the efficient use of energy and dealing with climate change.

Thank you !

Phạm Đình



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