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Thứ Sáu, ngày 07/03/2025
Overall carbon cost of fuel from Canadian oil sands


Gasoline and diesel fuel extracted and refined from Canadian oil sands will release about 20% more carbon into the atmosphere over the oil’s lifetime than fuel from conventional crude sources in the United States, according to a study by the University of California and Stanford University.
Beijing growing explosively, impacting weather and climate


A new study by scientists using data from NASA's QuikScat satellite has demonstrated a novel technique to quantify urban growth based on observed changes in physical infrastructure. The researchers used the technique to study the rapid urban growth in Beijing, China, finding that its physical area quadrupled between 2000 and 2009.
Some plants can conserve drinkable water


Some plants are able to make do without perfectly clean water, leaving more good water for drinking. One strategy is to use treated wastewater, containing salt leftover from the cleaning process, to water large areas of turf grass. These areas include athletic fields and golf courses. Golf courses alone use approximately 750 billion gallons of water annually in arid regions.
Microbes can clean up oil spill for environment protection


Microbes, primarily bacteria and fungi, get a bad rap in today’s society. However they’ve long played an incredible role within the Earth’s ecosystem. And one of the most important places microbes are transforming the earth is in the Gulf of Mexico, where a number of strains are busy munching up the oil still left over from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster.
Japan help Viet Nam for sustainable forest development


Lately, Viet Nam and Japan signed a record of discussion on sustainable natural resource management project that will be carried out in 5 provinces in the northern and Central Highlands regions.
Ho Chi Minh city orders polluters moving out of the city center


The Deputy Chairman of the HCM City People's Committee Tat Thanh Cang has said that all polluting companies must be moved out of the centre city by year-end, and that no deadline extensions would be granted.
Apple gets involved in actions to protect environment


The former chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson joining Apple in 2013 will now serve as vice president of environment, policy and social initiatives, Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook of Apple wrote in a memo to employees on 23 June 2015.
50% of electricity in Europe from renewables by 2030


Europe will likely get more than half of its electricity from renewable sources by the end of the next decade if EU countries meet their climate pledges, according to a draft commission paper.
Da Nang: Recycling plant come into operation


The first phase of a new waste treatment plant built on an area of 20 ha, located at Khanh Son dump, Da Nang was inaugurated yesterday, making it the first plant in Viet Nam to get updated technology with the capacity of processing 200 tonnes of waste per day in the first stage and 700 tonnes after the second stage becomes operational by 2016.
Philippines: Unique, threatened animals found in Philippine forest


Palawan, an island-province of the Philippines near Borneo, is home to many species of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. Considered the Philippines’ “last biodiversity frontier” by many researchers and conservation groups, Palawan still holds about 45% of its original forest cover, much of which is old growth.
Singapore: plan protecting marine biodiversity


Habitats such as coral reef or sandy seabed ecosystems, and the plants and animals associated with them, will be better protected under a new Marine Conservation Action Plan launched on 27 June 2015, by the Government.
Singapo: Carnival builds awareness of saving energy and the environment


The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) held a carnival on 27 June, 2015 in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of environmentally friendly buildings and saving energy.