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Na Hang - Tourism potential in Tuyên land area


     As a highland district, Na Hang is famous for diverse natural landscape with magnificent scenery and diversity of unique culture of 12 ethnic minorities. As an ancient land, a place where each river flow, each spring, each forest, each mountain is linked with a separate legend, Na Hang becomes the biggest tourism potential of Tuyên Quang province.


Na Hang lake is considered as "terrestrial Hạ Long"


     Na Hang originates from Nà Hang, according to the Tày ethnic minority which means "final field", locating in rice fields mixed with limestone mountains, primitive forests, and particularly lakes on the mountain, creating charming scenery, as a fairy picture dominating the green landscape. Mentioning Na Hang, it is impossible not to mention Na Hang lake - one of the biggest freshwater lake in Northern of Việt Nam, considered as a terrestrial Hạ Long Bay, bearing a quiet beauty, a combination of mountains and rivers and clouds. The lake surface is smooth and green like a mirror reflecting the mountain; the lake bed is the connecting point of Gâm river and Nang river, surrounded by 99 mountain peaks. Of which, Pắc Tạ is the highest mountain peak, look like an elephant bowing beside the alcohol vase, which is high, solemn, visible and invisible. At the mountain foot is the ancient temple worshipping a wife of Trần Nhật Duật General (13th Century), which is a sacred place for Na Hang people to show respect and hope of a peaceful life.

     Surrounding the Na Hang lake, there are many natural rock strata with spectacular shapes with famous water falls such as Khuổi Sung, Khuổi Nhi, Mơ… their flows create the water foam look like white cloudy hair, colouring the green landscape. Particularly is the trekking journey to discover the hidden beauty in primitive forests of the Tắt Kẻ - Bản Bung Nature Reserve (Na Hang Nature Reserve), located in 4 communes Khau Tinh, Côn Lôn, Sơn Phú, and Thanh Tương. With characteristics of high mountainous climate and substantial temperature fluctuation between summer and winter, this place is favourable for the development of flora species. According to the incomplete statistics of scientists, in Na Hang Nature Reserve, 68% area is the primitive tropical moist forest, of which 70% is the forest on the limestone mountain. The vegetation is diverse with about 1,357 vascular plants, including 74 rare and threatened species (making up 5.45%) of the total recorded species; 62 species listed in the Vietnam Red Book (accounting for 4.57%); 25 species in Decree No. 32/2006/ND-CP of the Government on managing rare, endangered and threatened flora and fauna (about 1. 84%) and 10 species according to IUCN criteria 2014 (accounting for 0.74%) with many species of high use values such as trai, nghiến (Excentrodendron tonkinense), lát hoa (Chukrasia tabularis), đinh (Dysoxylum cauliflorum), thông tre (Podocarpus species), hoàng đàn giả (Dacrydium elatum), bách xanh (Calocedrus macrolepis)… In addition, the Nature Reserve has a large volume of famous timber tree species in the vegetation system in Northern of Việt Nam which needs to be conserved such as lát (Chukrasia tabularis), sâng (Pometia pinnata), giẻ đỏ (Lithocarpus ducampii), de xanh (Lithocarpus pseudosundaicus), gội nếp (Aglaia spectabilis), nghiến (Excentrodendron tonkinense) of thousands of years old, with the diameter of 2 - 3m and many medicinal trees belonging to the families of cúc (Asteracea), ngũ gia bì (Araliaceae), bạc hà (Lamiaceae), trúc đào (Apocynaceae), ô rô (Acanthaceae), đậu (Fabaceae)...

     In terms of fauna, currently the Na Hang Nature Reserve has recorded 88 mammal species, belonging to 25 families, 8 orders, making up 20.4% of total species of the flora system in the region, of which 18 species in the Vietnam Red Book, 15 in the World Red Book; 294 bird species, in 15 orders, 46 families, accounting for 68.2%, of which 7 species in the Vietnam Red Book, 6 in the World Red Book; 30 reptiles, 18 amphibians, of which 9 reptiles and 1 amphibian are in the Vietnam Red Book, 3 reptiles in the World Red Book. In addition, according to the incomplete survey data, the Nature Reserve has 300 butterfly species, 40 bat species, many fish and aquatic species, of which cá rầm xanh (Sinilabeo lemassoni) and anh vũ (Semilabeo notabilis) are in the Vietnam Red Book. The natural landscapes and rare and threatened flora and fauna system of Na Hang have attracted the attention of scientists, field staffs and tourists for discovery and exploitation.

     In order to maintain a magnificent and majestic Na Hang, in addition to nature beauty, the contribution of the Management Board of the Na Hang Ecological tourism site should be mentioned. The Tourism Management Board that was established in Decision No. 166/QD-UBND dated 9/5/2007 by the Tuyên Quang Provincial People’s Committee, supports the Provincial People’s Committee in planning and investing in tourism development; manages and organizes tourism transport and service activities, environmental protection, security and safety for tourists; collaborates with relevant sectors to develop tourism routes and takes responsibility for all activities of the Na Hang ecological tourism site.

     Mr. Lê Thanh Sơn, Director of the Tourism Site Management Board informed that, by now, the tourism site has finalized the construction of the tourist information site in Pắc Ban waterfall, Na Hang town; implemented investment procedures to construct the transport roads in Phiêng Bung tourism zone, in Na Hang ecological tourism site; designed to construct the Nà Chao cave, Nang Khả commune (Na Hang) and Khuổi Nhi waterfall, Thượng Lâm commune (Lâm Bình)… in the upcoming time, the Management Board will continue to collaborate with district people’s committee of Na Hang, Lâm Bình and Bắc Mê (Hà Giang province) to implement the detailed planning of the Song Long cave, Khuôn Ha commune (Lâm Bình); collaborate with Bắc Cạn Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ba Bể district people’s committee to survey the transport route from Bản Dạ - Sơn Phú commune (Na Hang) to Xuân Lạc commune, Chợ Đồn district (Bắc Cạn province), to connect the Na Hang ecological tourism site with Ba Bể National Park (Bắc Cạn), to maintain and promote cultural values and to create tourism products.


Na Hang Nature Reserve with a diverse ecosystem of rare and threatened fauna


     Potentials and strengths of natural landscapes, local people, and diverse and rich cultural traditions of ethnic minorities in the locality will be the foundation for the economic - cultural - social development, particularly the tourism economy, tourism models and tourism services linked with neighbouring provinces such as Bắc Mê district (Hà Giang), Ba Bể and Pắc Nặm districts (Bắc Cạn)… so Na Hang is not only a nature reserve site or a landscape species conservation site but also an attractive ecological tourism site for domestic and international tourists, contributing to the development of Tuyên Quang provincen


Gia Linh


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