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Focus on studying and amending the Law on Environmental Protection to meet the country's new development requirements


     On July 26, 2019, the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) held a conference to review the first 6 months of work and mission directions for the last 6 months of 2019 in Hà Nội. The Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Võ Tuấn Nhân attended and directed the conference.

      Speaking at the opening of the Conference, the General Director of VEA Nguyễn Văn Tài said that from the beginning of 2019, VEA has developed and organized the 2019 work program, focusing on key tasks such as: Strengthening and organizing the organizational apparatus; developing legal documents, planning environmental protection; promoting inspection, examination and strictly handling violations of the law on environmental protection; strictly controlling environmental issues in river basins, industrial parks, rural areas and craft villages; thoroughly handling establishments which cause serious environmental pollution; strengthening supervision of projects and establishments that are likely to cause high environmental pollution, etc. In general, VEA has basically completed the proposed work program, including a number of objectives and tasks with good results.

     Some achievements

     In the first 6 months, VEA has cooperated with units to complete and accelerate the promulgation of the Government's Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP dated May 13, 2019 on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Decrees detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection; Decree No. 64/2019/ND-CP dated July 16, 2019 of the Government amending Article 7 of Decree No. 160/2013/ND-CP dated November 12, 2013 of the Government on criteria for identifying species and management mechanism of species on the List of endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection; Submitting to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment for promulgation of Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BTNMT dated March 8, 2019 providing for the suspension of implementation of some provisions of Circular No. 08/2018/TT-BTNMT dated September 14, 2018 and Circular No. 09/2018/TT-BTNMT dated September 14, 2018 issuing the national technical regulations on environment. 

     The VEA is focusing on developing 3 plannings and 3 schemes including: The National Environmental Protection Planning in the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050; the National Master Plan on Biodiversity Conservation in the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050; the Master Plan for National Environmental Monitoring in the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050; the Master Scheme on Solid Waste Treatment Technology Model for Urban and Rural Activities; the Master Scheme on Strengthening Environmental Management in Industrial Zones (IZs), Industrial Clusters (ICs), Craft Villages; the Scheme on Strengthening Plastic Waste Management in Việt Nam. Up to now, 3 planning tasks have been submitted and 3 schemes are being actively implemented.

     Regarding the inspection and examination, VEA has focused on directing and handling the provision of results of inspection, sanctioning of administrative violations and the review of inspection and examination in 2018. Up to now, the inspection conclusions in 2018 are basically completed; the administrative sanctions against 29 establishments with a total amount of 3.659 million VND have been implemented. Organizing 3 inspection teams as planned in the provinces of Khánh Hòa, Bình Định and Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu with 53 establishments and 4 inspection teams on the implementation of inspection conclusions for 32 establishments in the provinces of Điện Biên, Hà Tĩnh, Thái Nguyên and Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu. In addition, VEA has organized 4 inspection and assessment teams of solid waste management nationwide.

     At the same time, VEA has strengthened irregular inspection and examination activities to resolve feedbacks and petitions of the voters and the press such as the observance of the law on environmental protection for the Hapaco Đông Bắc Company Limited in Hòa Bình Province and the Long Mỹ Phát Sugar and Alcohol Company Limited in Hậu Giang Province; inspecting the observance of the law on environmental protection in the transportation, transfer and use of cast iron scrap of the MHD Vietnam Development Investment Company Limited…; inspecting the remediation of administrative violations in the field of environmental protection for 3 facilities: Pacific Crystal Textile Co., Ltd. and Phả Lại Thermal Power Joint Stock Company in Hải Dương; Heineken Vietnam Brewery Limited Company in Hà Nội; Organizing inspection and handling of many cases of pollution, other environmental and biodiversity incidents nationwide.

     Regarding the implementation of policies, laws, management tools and measures, in the first 6 months of 2019, VEA has approved 2 strategic environmental assessment (SEA) reports, 230 environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports, 12 EIA reports and environmental rehabilitation and restoration plans; issuing Certificates of environmental protection work completion for 42 projects; approving 4 alternatives for environmental renovation and restoration in mineral exploitation; issuing and adjusting 292 permits of all kinds for the environment. In general, the evaluation of SEA reports, EIA reports and the issuance of the Certificates of environmental protection work completion and the permits are carried out in the correct order, procedures and quality assurance.

     In particular, VEA has promoted the control of projects and large-volume waste sources, which are likely to cause environmental incidents. Accordingly, VEA has submitted to the Minister for promulgating the Decision to establish 10 new environmental monitoring groups for establishments requiring special supervision, and at the same time to consolidate 4 monitoring groups; Continuing to well maintain the supervising activities of the Hưng Nghiệp Formosa Hà Tĩnh Steel Company, the Vietnam Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd., the VNT19 Pulp - Paper Plant Project in Dung Quất Economic Zone, the Nghi Sơn Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Liability Company in Thanh Hóa Province; the Projects at Vĩnh Tân Power Center in Bình Thuận; the Hậu River Thermal Power Plant in Hậu Giang and the Duyên Hải Thermal Power Plant in Trà Vĩnh; the Lâm Đồng Aluminum-Bauxite Complex Project and the projects at Thái Bình Power Center; the Project "Domestic waste treatment factory” in Quảng Ngãi Province.

     VEA has actively instructed localities to carry out many activities to accelerate the progress of thorough treatment of establishments causing serious environmental pollution; at the same time, to organize a meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee to implement the Plan of thoroughly handling the establishments causing serious environmental pollution in rural areas by 2020. Up to now, there are 147 establishments nationwide out of 435 ones causing serious environmental pollution in rural areas under the Decision No. 1788/2013/QD-TTg that have not been completely handled (decrease by 79 establishments compared to 2017). The VEA has cooperated with localities to speed up the process of treating, renovating and restoring the environment in areas polluted by residual plant protection chemicals according to Decision No. 1946/QD-TTg and Decision No. 807/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

     At the same time, VEA continues to strictly control the environment of areas where many sources of waste are concentrated, such as economic zones, industrial parks, industrial complexes, river basins and craft villages. As of June 2019, there are 242/274 operating industrial parks with concentrated wastewater treatment areas (reaching 88,3%), of which 191 industrial zones have automatic monitoring stations (accounting for 78,9%). Working closely with localities to actively implement 3 master plans on environmental protection of river basins: Cầu river, Nhuệ - Đáy river, Đồng Nai river system. Continuing to monitor and urge localities to thoroughly address pollution in 47 villages of particularly serious pollution. Actively promoting the implementation of environmental criteria in new rural development.

     In addition, VEA has accelerated the implementation of the Government's Resolution No. 09/NQ-CP dated February 3, 2019; to evaluate and develop a Report on reviewing relevant legal documents to propose amendments and supplements to legal documents to implement the plan to unify the State management on solid waste; to organize a Workshop on the "State management on solid waste" and a scientific workshop on the "Management model and technology of domestic solid waste treatment”. Currently, VEA is urgently preparing to organize a national conference on solid waste.

      Nature and biodiversity conservation continues to be focused. Promoting the control of trade and consumption of endangered wildlife species and release of invasive alien species. Strengthening the control of import and trade of the Red Swamp Crayfish in Việt Nam. Implementing procedures for establishing the Thái Thụy wetland protected area.

     At the Conference, the delegates highly appreciated the efforts of VEA in recent years and stated that the State management of the environment has changed from passive to active. However, there are still some shortcomings that need to be overcome such as the direction progress of the Government and Ministry leaders; the slow handling of proposals of Ministries, branches, localities, people and enterprises in some cases, etc.

     Highly focused on study and amending the Law on Environmental Protection (LEP)

     Speaking at the Conference, the Deputy Minister Võ Tuấn Nhân noted and appreciated the achievements of VEA in recent years. He also emphasized many emerging environmental issues that need to be handled such as solid waste management, plastic waste…, posing more important and heavy tasks for the State management of environmental protection. Therefore, the Deputy Minister suggested that in the coming time, VEA should focus on well implementing a number of key tasks:

     Being highly focused on study and amending the LEP, overcoming the limitations and shortcomings in the legal system on environmental protection in order to meet the country's new development requirements. Speeding up the progress of perfecting and submitting the Circular to guide the implementation of Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP; the Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 155/2016/ND-CP as these are important documents, creating a legal framework for localities and organizational units to implement many new regulations in the field of the environment.

     Continuing to advise and propose solutions to the implementation of the Government's Resolution No. 09/NQ-CP on unified solutions for solid waste management nationwide; in which, urgently completing the report to assess the solid waste management status, the List of solid waste treatment technologies to encourage localities to apply; preparing carefully the conditions to successfully organize the National Conference on solid waste management chaired by the Prime Minister, scheduled to be held in September 2019. Continuing to closely coordinate with the General Department of Vietnam Customs and related units to deal with the situation of imported scrap abandoned in ports, to promptly report and advise the Ministry leaders.

     Strictly complying with the schedule and quality of tasks assigned by the Government, the Prime Minister and the Ministry leaders. Particularly, attention should be paid to the planning and finance work, urgently approving projects and tasks, speeding up the disbursement progress and quality.  

     Implementing effectively the inspection and examination of environmental protection in accordance with the Ministry's plan and the Minister's direction; strengthening irregular inspection activities; issuing inspection conclusions in time according to regulations; strictly handling and deterring violations, at the same time, promptly removing obstacles on policies and laws, helping localities to well perform the State management in their localities.

     Paying attention to strengthening the organization of the apparatus for the attached units and at the same time, constantly training and fostering to enhance the quality of the cadres to be capable of carrying out the assigned tasks, especially in the context of many changes in management and international integration.

     Continuing to improve and innovate the way of doing business, focusing on reorganizing administrative discipline of the units; promoting capacity and strengths of each team and individual; developing mechanisms of commendation and encouragement in time to stimulate the working spirit of each cadre, civil servant and officer. Paying more attention to the control, review and evaluation of the quality and progress of implementing the tasks assigned by the Ministry's leaders, ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks set out.


Nguyễn Hằng

(Source: Vietnam Environment Administration Magazine, English Edition II - 2019)







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