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Emergency conservation of trachypithecus delacouri population in the area of Kim Bảng forest, Hà Nam Province


     Trachypithecus delacouri is one of 25 species of particularly rare primate, listed in the Red Data Book of Việt Nam, and also “critically endangered” according to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In Việt Nam, trachypithecus delacouri has only about 300 individuals in the wild, mainly in the Vân Long Wetland Nature Reserve, Ninh Bình Province and in the forest areas of Kim Bảng District, Hà Nam Province.

     As a province located on the edge of the Red River Delta, Hà Nam currently has a unique forest in the complex of Tam Chúc national key tourist area, this is the habitat of wild animals. In 2016, in Kim Bảng forest area, the Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and Hà Nam provincial authorities conducted a study on the state of biodiversity, thereby discovered many rare species of flora and fauna such as macaca assamesis, mountain ardea cinerea, buceros bicornis, callosciurus erythraeus, melanochlora sultanea, cinnyris jugularis..., in particular, discovered 13 herds of trachypithecus delacouri including 73 individuals. However, currently the survival of this trachypithecus delacouri population is directly affected by the quarrying activities as raw materials for cement production with a large scale in the area. In addition, hunting, trapping and exploiting timber and non-timber forest products by the people also reduce the quality of the very limited habitat of trachypithecus delacouri herds.

Facing this situation, on 10 July 2020, the FFI sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Việt Nam proposing the emergency conservation of the trachypithecus delacouri in Kim Bảng forest. On 24 July, the Government Office sent Official Letter No. 6026/VPCP-KGVX to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the People’s Committee of Hà Nam Province, in which, assigned the People’s Committee of Hà Nam Province to urgently direct and organize the application of urgent measures to protect the trachypithecus delacouri population in the natural habitat in the area according to the Emergency action plan to conserve primate species in Việt Nam to 2025, vision to 2030 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 628/QD-TTg dated 10 May 2017; review and evaluate the observance of legal provisions in quarrying activities in the area, ensure that it does not affect the existence and development of the wild trachypithecus delacouri. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for reviewing and guiding the People’s Committee of Hà Nam Province to implement urgent measures to protect the trachypithecus delacouri; direct relevant local authorities to research and propose the establishment of a species and habitat reserve in order to conserve the long-term trachypithecus delacouri population in the province in accordance with legal provisions.

Trachypithecus delacouri  in Kim Bảng forest, Hà Nam Province

     Realizing the importance of protecting this rare primate, in January 2019, the People’s Committee of Hà Nam Province held a Consultation meeting to develop a project to establish the trachypithecus delacouri nature reserve; also, identify areas that overlap in planning; assess impacts of human on the nature reserve. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hà Nam Province also sent an official letter to the People’s Committee of Hà Nam Province and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to advise and recommend, submit to the Government and relevant ministries and agencies, to consider planning for mineral exploitation and building materials in the natural forests and protection forests of the province; to move the quarry area expected to serve production line 3 of Xuân Thành Cement Plant to another location. Also, direct the Provincial Forest Protection Department, Forest Protection Sub-Departments to coordinate with the forest rangers of Hòa Bình, Ninh Bình, Hà Nội in forest protection, propaganda and advocacy for people not to hunt wildlife, cut forests and strictly handle violations in accordance the legal provisions. In addition, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development cooperates with FFI, Center for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD) to develop a project to establish Hà Nam trachypithecus delacouri nature reserve; establish community forest protection groups; open propaganda classes on forest protection, trachypithecus delacouri protection, and environmental protection for about 1,450 people.
     Currently, the trachypithecus delacouri is in danger of extinction, only recorded in Vân Long area (Ninh Bình), Tam Chúc national key tourist area, Kim Bảng District (Hà Nam). Therefore, the conservation of trachypithecus delacouri will contribute to creating a landscape of Tràng An, Tam Chúc with protected forests, combined into a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This combination will promote conservation activities of trachypithecus delacouri, while promoting local economic development, creating jobs and minimizing environmental pollution. Accordingly, in order to conserve the trachypithecus delacouri and other natural heritages, it is necessary to plan the entire Kim Bảng forest, including the forest area of ​​Tam Chúc, Kim Bảng District and a part of Thanh Liêm District as the nature reserve (Special-use forest) with a management board and forest protection force.
     Hà Nam Province has issued Official Letter No. 1265/UBND-NN&TNMT dated 18 May 2017 on the policy of developing a project to establish a nature reserve for species and habitat of trachypithecus delacouri with an area of ​​3,500 ha including 2 zones: Core zone or strictly protected subdivision (Mature forest / habitats for trachypithecus delacouri) and forest rehabilitation subdivision (Area degraded by recoverable limestone extraction). The proposed area for the establishment of the species and habitat reserve located in the Southwest of Phủ Lý City, in the administrative area of ​​Ba Sao Town, Thanh Sơn and Liên Sơn Communes (Kim Bảng) is an area with high biodiversity value, with 488 species of vascular plants, 126 species of terrestrial vertebrates, many of which are in the Red Data Book of Việt Nam and the world, this is also the habitat of the trachypithecus delacouri. The total proposed conservation area is about 2,438.3 ha, of which the area with forest is 2,373.3 ha (Accounting for 97.3%); the area of ​​land without forest is 3.4 ha (Corresponding to 0.14%); water surface area is about 50 ha (Accounting for 2.1%); other land is 0.4%.
     Obviously, the establishment of the trachypithecus delacouri nature reserve in Kim Bảng is of great significance in the conservation of rare fauna and flora species, as well as a basis for scientific research, education, propaganda and public awareness. Hopefully, the practical works that the authorities and people of Hà Nam Province are jointly implementing will soon be effective, contributing to the conservation and development of this rare primate in the area.

Trương Huyền

     Trachypithecus delacouri weights about 8.1 - 9 kg; head-body length is from 0.46 to 0.665m; On the top of the head, there is a black crest with rather wide white fur marks from the cheeks to above the ears. The legs are black, the rump has white fur extending to the base of the tail and thighs; limbs are long, tail is longer than body with black fur. Trachypithecus delacouri lives in old forests, primeval forests on rocky mountains with many caves. However, due to the separation of the terrain, they live even in poor forest habitats, even only vines and bushes. Their main foods are shoots, leaves, fruits, the foraging area is relatively large, both on earthy mountain and rocky mountain, the living range of each herd is from 20-50 ha.


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