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Directive No. 10/CT-BGTVT on strengthening the management, reuse, recycling, treatment and reduction of plastic waste in transportation activities


     In the context of plastic pollution becoming one of the biggest challenges facing countries, the Prime Minister has recently issued Directive No. 33/CTT-TTg on strengthening the management, reuse, recycling, treatment and reduction of plastic waste. In order to concretize and implement the tasks and solutions assigned by the Prime Minister, on 7 October 2020, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) issued Directive No. 10/CT-BGTVT on strengthening the management, reuse, recycling, treatment and reduction of plastic waste in transportation activities.

     Accordingly, the MOT requires its affiliated agencies and units: (i) To be active, exemplary, positive and to take the lead in reducing plastic waste; to minimize the use of disposable plastic products (including persistent plastic bags, bottles, straws, foam food containers, cups and tableware, ...); not to use disposable plastic bandrolls, banners, bottles, cups, straws, bowls, chopsticks, etc at work and during conferences, seminars, meetings and holidays, anniversaries and other events; to prioritize to select recycled and environmentally friendly products; (ii) To pioneer and to be exemplary in implementation of waste classification at source at the office, to arrange waste bins to classify waste at agencies and units; not to mix plastic waste and other recyclable waste with organic waste; to encourage the development and implementation of models as a basis for replication of agencies and units in the field and area under their management; (iii) To carry out propaganda and dissemination to raise awareness for civil servants, officials and workers in agencies and units on classifying, collecting and minimizing plastic waste; to collaborate with relevant organizations and individuals to mobilize people to limit or not to use disposable plastic products to protect the environment.

     In addition, the Directive also assigns specific tasks to agencies and units on ocean plastic waste management until 2030 such as: Disseminating to ship owners, seaport operation enterprises requirements for plastic waste control and regulations on collection and treatment of waste from boats; increasing the regular and irregular handling of cases of ships’ violations of waste discharge at sea according to their competence; following up, updating and promptly disseminating regulations on management of marine plastic waste and microplastics of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to relevant agencies and units ...

     Seaport operation enterprises; inland waterway ports and wharves, strictly comply with regulations on collection, transfer and treatment of waste from operation of ports, wharves and from ships, inland waterway vessels in, out and anchored at ports, wharves; develop and complete the system of plastic waste collection, classification, transportation and treatment in accordance with regulations; arrange suitable, safe and convenient plastic waste storage equipment and gathering points; take the initiative in classifying plastic waste at source.

     Ship owners, inland waterway vessel owners ensure equipment and organization of management of waste generated in the operation of means of transportation in accordance with relevant technical regulations; proactively apply measures to manage, minimize and reuse plastic waste in the operation.

     Agencies and units need to actively develop and implement training, retraining and communication programs towards the goal of changing behavior, behavioral habits, use of disposable plastic products, and plastic waste disposal to the environment for their cadres, civil servants and workers; organize the implementation of scientific research projects to recycle and reuse plastic waste in the transportation sector; conduct surveys, statistics, classification and assessments of plastic waste generated from transportation activities; develop plastic waste collection, classification, transportion and treatment models and plastic waste management, reduction and reuse measures in transportation activities; advise the organization to develop regulations on plastic waste collection and treatment in the specialized fields of transportation in accordance with the law on environmental protection and international treaties to which Việt Nam is a member.

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