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Close monitoring of environmental protection commitments by Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. in Hau Giang


   Project “Pulp and paper mill with a capacity of 420,000 tons per year” of Viet Nam Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. with the investment from the Joint Creation Limited is implemented in an area of 419,957 m2 in the Phu Huu A industrial cluster, Mai Dam Town, Chau Thanh District, Hau Giang Province. Its operation duration is 70 years with a total investment of 280 million USD. After a 6 month pilot phase (3-/9/2017) it is expected that in October, 2017, Viet Nam Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. will start its full operation after being issued the certificate of having completed environmental protection works by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).

Minister Trần Hồng Hà met with Hau Giang Province leaders and related local authorities 

   Five requirements for Hau Giang Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd

   After paying an inspecting visit to the Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. for its completion of environmental protection works, on October 19, 2017, MONRE Minister Trần Hồng Hà met with leaders of Hau Giang Provincial People’s Committee and related local authorities on environmental protection of the factory in its operation phase.

   According to the inspection team’s report, the Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. has completed environmental protection works as required in its environmental impact assessment (EIA) report approved by MONRE. In the meantime, the mill has followed closely additional requirements of the inspection team to treat emission, wastewater and solid waste properly. All wastes are treated to meet environmental technical regulations. Environmental conditions inside the mill are good. No odor is detected. Environmental hygiene is well maintained.

   Based on the inspection results and comments by scientists and experts, Vice Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People’s Committee Trung Canh Tuyen proposed that MONRE approve the mill’s full operation and affirmed that the provincial authorities would monitor closely.

   To conclude at the meeting, Minister Trần Hồng Hà hailed the inspection team of the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) and technical team of Hau Giang Provincial People’s Committee, and noted efforts by Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. in investing and fulfilling environmental protection requirements. The Minister set five requirements for the factories:

   First, continuing full and effective operation of waste treatment systems;

   Second, issuing procedures which specifies technical staff responsibilities in operating waste treatment systems;

   Third, developing and approving technical and economic cost norms for materials, chemicals, energy and water, following ISO standards and publicize for public authority’s monitoring;

   Fourth, taking measures for controlling odor which could potentially generated during its production;

   Fifth, publicizing and monitoring waste treatment contracting businesses, in particular flying ash and bottom ash treatment to ensure that these businesses are legally competent and eligible.

   Minister Trần Hồng Hà also requested that environmental protection commitments are specified and assigned VEA to collaborate with Hau Giang government to regularly check, inspect and monitor the commitments by the factory.

Director General of Hau Giang Lee and Man Paper Mill reported to Minister Trần Hồng Hà and the inspection team on the treated wastewater quality 

   For Hau Giang, Minister Trần Hồng Hà assigned Hau Giang Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) to provide regular supervision of automatic and continuous monitoring data of the factory, when necessary, conduct regular or sudden inspections, and develop a joint program with the factory to publicize information, disseminate information and raise awareness. In addition, the DONRE shall cooperate with other provincial departments to develop and implement a water quality monitoring program for Hau River, especially the adjacent area of the factory, develop contingent plans for responding to environmental incidents and ensuring environmental security, strengthening environmental inspections at industrial parks and highly polluting facilities, in particular for those discharging directly to Hau River, strictly punish environmental violators, cooperate with upstream provinces to develop a joint monitoring programs and environmental management for the whole river, to ensure sustainable development of the region.

Overview of Hau Giang Lee and Man Paper Mill

   Viet Nam Lee and Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. is ready for full operation

   At present, the mill is operating at 100% of its designed capacity. Its works have finished and started operation, including: Office buildings, an international port and associated warehouses, a high quality hard cover box manufacturer with a capacity of 420,000 tonnes per year, machine group 1 with a capacity of 50 Mw of the coal fired thermal power plant, water supply factory using water from Hau River/1st period of 40,000 m3/day, and a centralized wastewater treatment facility’s 1st period with a capacity of 20,000 m3/day.

   During the testing operation phase, MONRE established an inspection team to supervise waste treatment works at the mill (Decision 369/QD-BTNMT dated 10/3/2017) and Hau Giang Provincial People’s Committee established a technical team to supervise (Decision 380/QD-UBND dated 14/3/2017).

   For wastewater treatment, the company has met requirements in the approved EIA such as: installing a wastewater treatment facility with a capacity of 20,000 m3/day, building a lagoon for treated wastewater, installing automatic monitoring stations before and after the lagoon and continuously transmitting monitoring data to Hau Giang DONRE.

   For emission treatment, the company has installed the emission treatment system with a 150m chimney and an emission automatic monitoring station to regularly monitor pollutant levels and deal with problems instantly. So far, the company has installed dust preventing nets in coal warehouses, planted trees in open space areas after coal warehouses, installed odor treatment system using water spraying, ozone treatment and active carbons at A/O tanks and sludge tanks, installed two additional odor treatment towers, and installed noise reduction panels on the 3rd level of the cooling system at the thermal power plant. In paper waste storage area, the company has used canvas covers to prevent odor nuisance to surrounding areas.

   The company has collected and transfer wastes to competent agencies. During its operation, the company has reported all issues to local authorities and community.

   One of the biggest paper manufacturers in the Mekong Delta, the company’s waste volume has received much attention from the public recently. Therefore, the inspecting visit by MONRE is an important step before approving the company’s full operation after the 6 month testing phase.

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