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Results of five-year plan implementation for treatment, control and prevention of environmental pollution due to contaminated pesticides


   On 30/12/2010, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) promulgated the Program to implement Decision no. 1946/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister on approving the Plan for treatment, control and prevention of environmental pollution due to contaminated plant pesticides nationwide (Plan). Accordingly, MONRE established the office to coordinate the Plan’s activities and assigned the Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA) to implement, supervise, monitor, orientate and guide provinces to implement the Plan. At the same time, the Ministry has integrated the contents of the Plan into the Law on Environmental Protection 2014; Decree no. 19/2015/ND-CP of the Government regulating in details some provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection 2014; developed and submitted to the Prime Minister to approve Decision no. 38/2011/QD-TTg, which consists of the financial mechanism to handle areas contaminated with plant pesticide chemicals.

   According to the investigation and survey results by MONRE in 2010, there were 1,153 areas contaminated with plant pesticide chemicals in 18 cities and provinces, of which there were 240 serious and very serious environmental polluted areas which are subject to strictly treatment to 2015. However, according to investigation results of provinces, by December 2015, additional 326 areas contaminated with plant pesticide chemicals were discovered in the location of 23 cities and provinces. Of which, provinces that have the highest number of polluted areas are Hà Tĩnh (113), Quảng Bình (68), Thanh Hóa (34), Quảng Ninh (26)…

   By the end of 2015, more than 60 areas contaminated with plant pesticide chemicals have been treated, rehabilitated and restored. By now, 32 areas are being treated using the State budget (environmental expenditure). This budget is implemented following the supporting mechanism as regulated in Decision no. 58/2008/QD-TTg and Decision no. 38/2011/QD-TTg; 21 areas have been treated using the budget of the National Target Programme on pollution overcoming and environmental improvement during 2012 – 2015 in 7 cities and provinces Bắc Giang (1 project), Nam Định (1 project), Thanh Hóa (3 projects), Nghệ An (8 projects), Hà Tĩnh (3 projects), Quảng Bình (3 projects) and Quảng Trị (2 projects), with the total supporting budget of 126.35 billion dong; 7 areas with about 1,000 tonnes of wastes/sources contaminated as POP that were eliminated supported by the Project “Building capacity to eliminate POP pesticides stockpiles in Việt Nam” (POP Pesticides project).

Plant pesticide polluted soil sample collection in Hòn Trơ, Nghệ An

   Some outstanding results

   Five-year implementation of treatment, control and prevention of environmental pollution caused by contaminated plant pesticide chemicals has achieved some particular outcomes, contributing to solve urgent environmental protection issues mentioned in Resolution no. 35/NQ-CP of the Government; at the same time supporting Việt Nam to successfully implement the international commitments as a party to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Consequently, clear change in awareness of authorities, localities and local peoples on the impacts of environmental pollution caused of contaminated plant pesticide chemicals was generated. Through the implementation of the Plan, together with the support of international organisations, the management capacity of localities on soil environment protection in general as well as the management of contaminated plant pesticide areas in particular have been significantly increased; policy mechanisms have been gradually finalized and synchronized in order to implement the Plan in an effective manner. Particularly, the capacity to treat contaminated plant pesticides has been clearly improved which is illustrated through the increase in quantity and quality of entities that is capable of treatment of plant pesticides chemicals such as: Fenton technology, TAML iron technology, ball milling technology, technologies on thermal absorption, incineration, treatment of waste in cement kilns.

   In addition to achievements, the implementation of the Plan also faces difficulties and challenges. Particularly, in terms of the mechanism to mobilise resources and budget to support the Decision no.58/2008/QD-TTg and Decision no. 38/2011/QD-TTg, for projects on treatment of environmental pollution due to contaminated pesticides, the central budget supports 50%, the remaining 50% comes from the local budget. However, almost all provinces having contaminated plant pesticides are difficult provinces that could not balance the budget so there were delays in providing the co-financing.

   On the other hand, almost all projects at local areas focus on treatment of environmental pollution caused by contaminated pesticides but not focus on prevention and control of new pesticide pollution that originates from manufacturing, business activities and chemical export and import. The collaboration between authorities in addressing seized illegal imported pesticides is slow and ineffective, which leads to pesticides to be kept in the warehouses for a long time, causing environmental pollution. Change in land use purpose of contaminated pesticide landfills (construction of schools, residents, playing ground ...) causes difficulties in zoning of pollution areas, impact levels assessment, land clearance and implementation of pollution treatment and overcoming options. Applied technologies have not thoroughly addressed pollution, causing secondary pollution incidents. Impacts of pesticides are not fully aware; therefore, the widespread use of pesticides and the poor collection of pesticide packaging have caused negative impacts to the environment. Roles of the community on environmental protection have not been significantly promoted.

Collection of plant pesticide chemicals for disposal in Lộc Hà warehouse (Nam Định)

   Recommendations, suggestions

   To overcome difficulties and challenges, particularly to finalize the Plan during 2016 - 2020, MONRE proposes some recommendations and suggestions: The Government promulgates “List of prioritised tasks to implement the Plan for treatment, control and prevention of environmental pollution caused by contaminated pesticides nationwide” during 2016 - 2020; periodically approve the updated list of environmental pollution areas in Annex I and Annex II of Decision 1946/QD-TTg; enlarge contents on management and treatment of nearby environmental pollution areas as a group to reduce treatment and monitoring expenses; add and clarify contents on prevention and control of environmental pollution caused by pesticides originating from manufacturing, business and illegal import and assign responsibilities to agencies in dealing with seized pesticides.

   The Ministry of Finance takes lead, collaborates with MONRE to develop and submit to the Government in 2016 the support mechanism from the central state budget towards supporting 100% budget for environmental treatment, rehabilitation and restoration caused by contaminated pesticides in provinces and cities that are unable to balance the budget.

   Provinces that have many contaminated pesticides sites such as Thanh Hóa, Nghệ An, Hà Tĩnh, Quảng Bình need to quickly develop the management master plan, firstly select and construct the central warehouse area, load contaminated plant pesticide chemicals in seriously polluted area and critically seriously polluted areas to the central warehouse for further treatment; separate and prevent pollution spread in high pollution risk areas; develop projects on environmental treatment, rehabilitation and restoration in polluted areas to eliminate treatment and monitoring expenses.

MSc. Hồ Kiên Trung

Deputy Director - Department of Waste Management and Environmental Improvement

Vietnam Environment Administration

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