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Promote the role and resources of religions in environmental protection and climate change response


     Along with the process of socio-economic development, our environment is under increasing pressure due to the increase in the size of the economy and the population, the level of industrialization and urbanization and resource exploitation, emerging of pollution and waste sources. In addition, Việt Nam is one of the five countries most severely affected by climate change; the adverse effects of climate change are increasing at an alarming level, with more complicated and rapid developments than forecast, which has affected food security, water resources and people's lives. Therefore, if we do not pay adequate attention to environmental protection and climate change response, we will face great challenges in terms of pollution, environmental and biodiversity degradation and great potential climate change impacts, threatening the country's sustainable development goals.

     To solve the above environmental and climate change issues, it is necessary to have contributions of the whole political system, the community and every citizen, of which the important role of religious organizations is indispensable. As a part of the great national solidarity, over the years, 14 religions in Việt Nam with more than 25 million dignitaries, monks, followers and nearly 26.000 worshipping facilities have promoted patriotism, solidarity, commitment, social and national responsibility sharing, actively participating in responding to patriotic emulation campaigns and movements, contributing to the implementation of guidelines, laws and policies of the Party and the State on environmental protection and climate change response.

     1. Activities implemented to promote the role and resources of religions in environmental protection and climate change response

     Implementing the Program of coordinating, strengthening, mobilizing the participation of religions in environmental protection and climate change response

     In order to implement the Party and State's policies on environmental protection and climate change response, on December 2nd, 2015, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and representatives of religions signed a Coordination Program on environmental protection and climate change response (2015 - 2020) in order to promote the role of religions in participating in environmental protection and climate change response; to disseminate the Party's guidelines, the State's laws and policies on environmental protection and climate change response, mobilizing dignitaries and people of all religions to actively participate in implementing emulation movements and campaigns to protect environment and respond to climate change at households and in the community.

     Right after the Program was signed, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the VFF and the MONRE issued Guideline No. 46/HD-MTTW-TN&MT to guide the Central Committee of the VFF, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) the religions in the provinces and cities implementing this Coordination Program. In 2017 and 2018, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the VFF and the MONRE have jointly organized five regional Conferences to implement the Coordination Program on a national scale in provinces of Quảng Ninh, Sóc Trăng, Nam Định, Bình Định and Hậu Giang.

     Up to now, 63/63 provinces and cities across the country have signed and implemented the Coordination Program or Plan among the VFFs at all levels, the natural resources and environment sector and religious organizations in the area. In addition, each religion has also actively implemented and integrated the contents of environmental protection and climate change response into its annual program of activities; to issue Prospects, Messages and Appeals to grassroots organizations and followers in response to the Program on participation in environmental protection and climate change response.

     Propagating, mobilizing, raising awareness and capacity of environmental protection and climate change response for the contingent of religious officials and religious communities

     Recently, the MONRE has cooperated with the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the VFF to implement many activities of propaganda, advocacy, awareness and capacity raising on environmental protection and climate change response for the religious organizations in the whole country in diverse forms such as: Organizing seminars and conferences to thoroughly grasp the content of the coordination program; incorporating the content of environmental protection and climate change response into annual religious work guidelines, in Congratulatory Letters to religions in important ceremonies; composing propaganda and print materials, publishing many leaflets on environmental protection and climate change response to distribute to worshipping facilities, the front working boards at all levels; mobilizing dignitaries and followers to attend meetings to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22), the World Meteorological Day (May 30), the World Environment Day (June 5); propagating through mass media such as newspapers, radio, websites of the Fatherland Fronts of provinces and cities. At the same time, during the important ceremonies, annual preliminary and review conferences of activities of religions or visiting, congratulatory occasions, the leaders of the VFF Committees at all levels have propagandized and mobilized religious organizations to actively participate in environmental protection and climate change response and suggested religious dignitaries actively mobilize followers to implement environmental protection and climate change response, thereby raising the awareness and sense of responsibility of religious organizations, dignitaries, positions, religious followers to firmly grasp and strictly implement the Party's guidelines and policies and the State’s legal policies on environmental protection and climate change response.

     The VFFs of provinces and cities have actively coordinated with the natural resources and environment sector to develop many specific programs and plans or integrate the program to promote the role of religions in environmental protection and climate change response into the program of “All people participating in environmental protection” associated with the campaign “All people build new rural areas and civilized cities”; to organize the "National Day of Solidarity"..., to strengthen the capacity of environmental protection and climate change response for the contingent of officials, especially officials engaged in religious work, mobilizing people from all walks of life, followers of all religions to participate in environmental protection and climate change response. In addition, the Fatherland Fronts at all levels also provide guidance, training and assistance to the religious communities in self-rescue skills and help each other handle on-site extraordinary events due to storms, floods, flash floods, droughts, forest fires; the communities share and help people at risk of natural disasters, epidemics and other difficult situations in the communities.

     Supporting religions in developing and expanding model participating sites in environmental protection and climate change response

     The MONRE and the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the VFF have coordinated to develop 3 models of religious sites to participate in environmental protection and climate change response at the central level at Pháp Bảo Pagoda (Hồ Chí Minh City), Pháp Vân Pagoda (Hà Nội) and Hải Đức Community Support Center (Thừa Thiên - Huế Province); to support to develop 14 pilot models of 14 religions in localities from the resources of the Program of "All people participating in environmental protection" in 2017.

     The DONREs of provinces and cities have also coordinated with the VFF Committee to propagandize, mobilize and help religious organizations to develop and replicate pilot models on environmental protection and climate change response; to guide, train and support religious communities and residents to implement measures to protect environment in their production activities and daily life such as using renewable energy, planting and protecting trees in residential and public places, religious facilities.


The Signing Ceremony of the Coordination Program in the period of 2016 - 2020 between the MONRE and the Central Committee of the VFF in environmental protection


     Many religious sites have had effective models, good practices; there have been nearly 1.000 models of religions participating in environmental protection and climate change response so far. A number of practical and effective models and clubs on environmental protection and climate change response have been implemented such as:  "Green, clean, beautiful” parishes and worshipping facilities; the model of communities/solidarity groups/religious autonomy groups participating in environmental protection and climate change response; the model of "Classification and treatment of domestic waste at households and religious establishments", the model of "restricting burning of votive papers in worshipping facilities"; the model of "Parishioners Club participating in environmental sanitation every Friday"; the model of "Parishioners collecting and classifying waste, packaging and plastic bottles"…

     Mobilizing resources of religious organizations for environmental protection and climate change response; supervising the implementation of policies and laws on environmental protection and climate change response

     The VFF Committees at all levels has mobilized various resources of religious organizations, enterprises and followers towards socialization such as contributing spirits, knowledge, labor days and money or donating land to support the implementation of thousands of activities, hundreds of models on environmental protection and climate change response in localities.

     The natural resources and environment sector of provinces and cities have coordinated with the Fatherland Fronts of the same level and religious organizations to strengthen their coordination to propagandize and mobilize dignitaries, positions, followers and people to intensify supervision and detection of emerging issues in the implementation of legal policies on environmental protection and climate change response of agencies, organizations, enterprises and households in the area.

     2. Assessing a number of achieved results and shortcomings, limitations

     In general, the activities of propaganda on environmental protection and climate change response that have been coordinated in recent years are in accordance with the doctrine and laws of the religions and the general situation of each locality, which is enthusiastically responded by the religions. The religious organizations have raised awareness and responsibility of the religious community on environmental protection and climate change response through promoting propaganda and preaching among the masses and followers about environmental protection and climate change response. The religious organizations have developed many models suitable to the specific conditions of each locality and each religion, bringing practical effects, contributing to a dramatic change in awareness and attitudes, behaviors and habits of dignitaries and followers of different religions in environmental protection and climate change response. With many specific and practical activities, the roles, responsibilities and contributions of dignitaries and followers of different religions with the task of environmental protection and climate change response in each residential area and throughout the country have been increasingly improved, making significant contributions to ensuring the sustainable development of the country.

     In addition to the achieved results, the work of environmental protection and climate change response in the past time still has some shortcomings and limitations, including: The compilation and release of documents related to environmental protection and climate change response suitable with the characteristics of religions, each locality has not yet met the requirements, causing difficulties for propaganda. There are few seminars, training and retraining courses to raise awareness, knowledge and experience. Some religious organizations have just stopped at propaganda to raise awareness of dignitaries, officials and followers within certain worship facilities, religions and residential areas but have not been proactive in developing specific action plans suitable to the characteristics and conditions of their religions to become a widespread movement. The allocation of funding for implementing environmental protection and climate change response activities is still not enough and timely, the budget has not been distributed to support the pilot models of religions; the mobilization of resources from socialization for environmental protection and climate change response, natural resource protection is still limited, mainly from the State budget. The roles of the religious organizations have not been fully promoted, the resources of religions in environmental protection and climate change response activities have not been exploited properly and are still limited.

     3. Some solutions to continue promoting the roles and resources of religions in environmental protection and climate change response activities

     To continue promoting the roles and resources of religions in environmental protection and climate change response activities, in the coming time, it is necessary to implement well the following solutions:

     Firstly, to continue developing, finalizing and synchronizing mechanisms, policies and legal documents on climate change response, natural resource management and environmental protection, with a focus on the involvement of religions.

     To develop a favorable legal framework for religious organizations to participate in environmental protection and climate change response activities. In particular, it is necessary to provide specific regulations to enhance the roles, responsibilities, positive contributions of dignitaries and followers of religions to the task of environmental protection and climate change response at all levels and residential areas; to provide sanctions and measures to encourage and promote the roles of religious organizations in the prevention of environmental incidents in the localities.

     To research and develop mechanisms to support material facilities and funding for religious organizations to facilitate their administration and management, together with the State, to carry out environmental protection and climate change response activities, to allow religious organizations to participate in providing public services in the field of environmental protection, promoting religious organizations to contribute resources to the country's development.

     Secondly, to promote propaganda, advocacy, awareness raising and strictly implement the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws on environmental protection and climate change response to dignitaries, followers, religious organizations.

     To continue organizing the compilation and providing religious communities and residents with documents on the current state of environmental pollution, negative impacts of climate change in the world, in the country, the localities and residential areas; policies and laws of the Party and the State, provisions of the religions’ rules and doctrines on environmental protection and climate change response.

     To strengthen coordination to organize conferences and training courses to propagate and disseminate laws, raise awareness about environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and climate change response for people of religious organizations.

     To guide, train and support religious communities and residents to strictly implement the provisions of the law on environmental protection in daily life and production activities such as: eating hygienic food; constructing environmental sanitation facilities; planting and protecting greeneries at residential and public places, religious establishments; protecting biodiversity; sustainable livelihoods; not cutting trees or destroying forests; organizing production, cultivation, husbandry, business, etc., without causing pollution to the environment; eliminating habits causing pollution, environmental degradation, biodiversity decline and increasing climate change

     The localities need to create conditions, guide and mobilize the religions to participate in environmental protection and climate change response activities in accordance with the ability and capacity of dignitaries, officials and followers, consistent with the cultural and ethical values of the religions and peoples. The religious dignitaries and officials should promote their exemplary roles and encourage their followers to abide by the State's policies and laws and actively respond to the general movements of socio-economic development, environmental protection and climate change response.

     To resolutely fight and prevent acts of violating laws, abusing the religions, environmental issues for self-seeking, inciting division of people, division of peoples, disturbing security and order and opposing the State and obstructing the country's sustainable development process. 

     Thirdly, to continue expanding and developing new models, advanced examples of religious organizations participating in environmental protection and climate change response, focusing on developing domestic waste separation models at source; limiting the use of disposable plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic bags.

     To review and assess current models to serve as a basis for replicating and developing advanced models and examples of effective environmental protection and climate change response in residential areas that are suitable for features and conditions of each religion and each region. In particular, to focus on developing models of environmental protection and climate change response associated with patriotic emulation movements such as new rural development, civilized cities, building green - clean - beautiful environment; to strengthen the establishment of self-governing communities and religious establishments in using natural resources, environmental protection and climate change response; to promote the movement and models of waste separation at source, restrict the use of disposable plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic bags in daily life and production of religious organizations and population communities.

     To strengthen activities to visit, learn and share experiences on developing and maintaining the pilot models of religions on environmental protection and climate change response.

     The MONRE, the VFFs at all levels and the religions need to coordinate and review financial mechanisms to allocate funding from the State budget and mobilize from other lawful sources to support the implementation of activities, developing effective models to promote the roles of the religions in environmental protection and climate change response.

     Fourthly, to promote the role of social supervision and criticism in developing and implementing policies and laws on environmental protection and climate change response of the religions.

     The Fronts at all levels and religious organizations, especially at grassroots levels need to regularly collect people's opinions; to promote the strength of the community in the implementation and supervision of the implementation of policies and laws on environmental protection and climate change response, especially giving opinions on the consultancy on the environmental impact assessment reports of the programs, projects, socio-economic development planning and plans related to population communities; to monitor and supervise the observance of the Law on Environmental Protection of production, business and service establishments in the localities in order to propose timely handling of acts of causing environmental pollution and degradation and infringing upon natural resources and to resolve conflicts of interest on environment protection and climate change in resident areas.

     At the present time, it is recommended that the religious organizations focus on promoting the role of social criticism, contributing ideas to the content of draft laws and policies on environmental protection that the State and Government are directing the implementation such as: the Law project amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection; the Decree guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection (amended); the legal framework on solid waste management in the direction of the unified State management of solid waste nationwide and the provincial People's Committees with a comprehensive responsibility for waste issues and waste treatment in the localities; amending and supplementing the Decree on sanctioning of administrative violations in the domain of environmental protection in the direction of increasing sanctions and strictly handling violations of the law on environmental protection; finalizing the system of regulations on environmental protection to proactively prevent environmental conflicts and disputes that cause political instability, social disorder and insecurity, etc.

     In order to harmonize the problem between socio-economic development and environmental protection in the context of environmental and climate change problems in our country that has been under great pressure and challenges today, it is required to have efforts of all levels, sectors, socio-political organizations, communities and every citizen, in which the promotion of the religions’ roles and resources will create a great spillover effect in the society, gathering the power of the great solidarity of the entire nation, together with the Party, the State and the political system, to implement solutions to tackle environmental pollution and respond to climate change, creating synergy in the national sustainable development. 


Deputy Minister Võ Tuấn Nhân

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

(Source: Vietnam Environment Administration Magazine, English Edition III - 2019)


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