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The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the PRO Vietnam signed a Memorandum of Understanding for sharing responsibilities in promoting the circular economy


     In the morning of September 11, 2019, in Hà Nội, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and the Packaging Recycling Organization Vietnam (PRO Vietnam) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to share goals, visions and responsibilities in promoting the circular economy in Việt Nam through activities of reducing, separating, collecting and recycling waste.

     Attending the signing ceremony were Minister Trần Hồng Hà, Deputy Minister Võ Tuấn Nhân, leaders and experts of affiliated units on the side of the MONRE, Mr. Phạm Phú Ngọc Trai, the Chairman of PRO Vietnam and 12 members on the side of PRO Vietnam, in addition, the ceremony was attended by other Ministries and branches; international organizations and non-governmental organizations involved.

     Currently, the problem of marine waste and plastic pollution is becoming one of the biggest challenges that mankind is facing. One million plastic bottles of water are sold every minute around the world and up to five trillion disposable plastic bags are used worldwide each year. But half of the total produced plastic is designed to be used only once and then thrown away. Of the total plastic ever produced, only 9% of plastic waste is recycled, about 12% is incinerated, while the remaining amount, 79%, has accumulated in landfills or natural environment. Plastic waste is so common in the natural environment that scientists even think it may serve as a geological indicator of the Anthropocene era - the new geologic era where humans play a prominent role in changing the face of the Earth.

     Plastic pollution causes enormous damage to the environment and the ecosystem. Plastic waste clogs the flow of rivers, destroys or degrades biodiversity. Many creatures die due to entanglement in the lost or abandoned fishing nets in the ocean or from eating plastic waste for food by mistake. Floating plastic fragments also provide "transportation" for creatures, which increases the risk of the exotic species to the ecosystem. Plastic additives can also have a negative effect on organisms. Plastic micro-fibers mixed with seawater have the ability to adsorb non-biodegradable organic pollutants available in seawater and marine sediments. These plastic micro-fibers following the food chain shall increase the risk of many diseases for higher-level organisms, including humans.


Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Trần Hồng Hà speaks at the signing ceremony


    Given that situation, aware of the role and mission in solving the global plastic waste crisis, Vietnam has committed to taking actions to reduce plastic waste to protect the marine and ocean ecological environment.  In December 2017, Vietnam officially joined the list of 127 countries through the UN Environment Assembly’s Resolution on plastic and marine waste treatment. Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc also called for global cooperation in solving plastic problems at sea at the G7 Summit in Canada in 2018. The MONRE has launched the "Anti-plastic waste" movement in response to the “Clean up the World 2018” campaign. On September 6, 2019, this movement was raised by the Prime Minister through the national launching ceremony of the “anti-plastic waste movement” in order to raise the general awareness of the whole society in saying no to plastic bags and disposable plastic products.

     Responding to the call of the Government, administrative agencies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, especially production facilities and enterprises have taken specific actions, showing corporate social responsibility for reducing waste, especially plastic waste, with many initiatives that have been deployed in practice. The establishment of the "Alliance to End Plastic Waste" in 2018 is also an initiative supported by the MONRE.

     Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Minister Trần Hồng Hà said: To solve the problem of solid waste in general and plastic waste in particular, the MONRE - the focal agency unifying the State management of solid waste as assigned by the Government in Resolution No. 09/NQ-CP - is actively improving institutions and laws; At the same time, it has been actively cooperating with related parties to jointly seek solutions to protect the environment through strengthening the effectiveness of solid waste management, promoting the circular economy and developing the mechanism of expanded responsibilities of manufacturers, enterprises and supporting environmentally-friendly initiatives towards the sustainable development of Việt Nam.

     “On behalf of the Government, the MONRE highly appreciates the awareness and initiative of the PRO Vietnam members in sharing responsibilities with the MONRE for dealing with waste in Việt Nam, especially plastic waste in the packaging industry. Obviously, enterprises are not only a part of the problem but they can also become an important part of the solution”, the Minister emphasized. 


Minister Trần Hồng Hà and the Chairman of PRO Vietnam Phạm Phú Ngọc Trai provided the MOU for cooperation 


     “This MOU is the result of the cooperation and sharing of goals, vision and responsibilities for promoting the circular economy in Việt Nam between the MONRE and the PRO Vietnam members by developing a mechanism on the manufacturer's expanded responsibilities to ensure more effective reduction, classification, collection and recycling of waste. The signing ceremony of the MOU today once again demonstrates the commitment and determination of the MONRE in dealing with the problem of solid waste and plastic waste, we are always open and listening in cooperation with the stakeholders to develop an inclusive and fair policy for the environment”, said Minister Trần Hồng Hà.

     The Minister believes that “with the commitment and determination of the MONRE and the PRO Vietnam members, we will overcome the current challenges and create new opportunities for Việt Nam to develop a strong and environmentally and socially responsible economy. I believe that the pioneering of PRO Vietnam members will inspire and become a movement to connect more enterprises to act responsibly to the environment, to the country and to work together on sustainable development”.

     Mr. Phạm Phú Ngọc Trai - the Chairman of PRO Vietnam, shared that carrying out the mission of "driving circular economy and making recycling of packaging more accessible and sustainable”, the PRO Vietnam's ambition is that, by 2030, all packaging material put into the market by its members shall be collected for recycling, in which the focus will be on developing the packaging collection system in cooperation with the local authorities and the stakeholders in the industry to promote recycling with activities such as educating, collecting and recycling of waste, and especially cooperating with Government agencies in its role as Citizen Enterprises.

     According to the signed MOU, in the coming time, the MONRE and the PRO Vietnam will focus on implementing the following contents: Promote and support activities to minimize and classify waste at source; support and strengthen the capacity and efficiency of waste collection, transportation, treatment and recycling systems; strengthen the responsibilities of modern and traditional manufacturers, brand owners, distributors, retailers and importers in the management of post-consumption waste and recycling; foster the formation of a recycling industry and support environmentally friendly and recyclable products; communicate and raise public awareness about reducing, separating, collecting and recycling waste and the circular economy.

     Waste management in general, especially plastic waste and packaging waste after use is a challenge because of its prevalence and convenience in daily life. This is not only the responsibility of the State management agencies, but also the responsibility of enterprises and the community. The signing of this MOU represents the cooperation between the State management agencies and enterprises in turning challenges into opportunities to help solve common social problems.


Bùi Hằng

(Source: Vietnam Environment Administration Magazine, English Edition II - 2019)



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