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Some plastic waste reduction solutions


     We are now in the early 21st Century - a century of the dramatic development of science and technology with the imprints of the 4th industrial revolution, but at the same time, of environmental and climate change issues that have become more urgent than ever before. In particular, a long-standing problem that has been voiced by many countries is plastic waste. “Beat Plastic Pollution” was chosen by the United Nations as the theme of the World Environment Day 2018 and at the 2019 World Economic Forum, the Heads of State, leaders of multinational corporations have had strong commitments on anti-plastic waste.  

     According to estimates and incomplete statistics of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), plastic waste accounts for about 5 - 10% of domestic waste (similar to other countries in the world); about 23  - 25 million tons of domestic waste per year are generated nationwide, corresponding to 1,15 - 2 million tons of plastic waste per year.

     The matter of plastic waste has been concerned by the Government since early on; many policies and regulations directly related to the management and control of plastic waste and plastic bags have been implemented in the past time. Since 2009, the Prime Minister has promulgated the National Strategy of Integrated Solid Waste Management up to 2025, with a vision to 2050 in Decision No. 2149/QD-TTg (this Strategy continues to be approved for adjustment in Decision 491/QD-TTg dated May 7, 2018); Decision No. 582/QD-TTg dated April 11, 2013 on approving the Project on enhancing the control of environmental pollution due to the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags by 2020. Along with the regulations on solid waste management in the Law on Environmental Protection and documents guiding the implementation of this Law, the National Assembly enacted the Law on Environmental Protection Tax, stipulating that environmentally unfriendly plastic bags are one of those commodities subject to environmental protection tax. Besides, over the past time, the MONRE has collaborated with the Ministries, branches and localities to organize many seminars to disseminate and propagate the harmful effects of the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags and encourage the community to strengthen the reuse of plastic bags and use of biodegradable plastic bags, most recently to launch a mass anti-plastic waste movement. In particular, the MONRE successfully organized the Nationwide Commencement Ceremony of “Anti-plastic Waste Movement 2019” on June 9, 2019 in Hà Nội. The above activities have initially achieved positive results in the management of plastic waste and plastic bags.

     In addition to the achieved results, the management and restriction of the use of plastic waste and plastic bags still face difficulties and inadequacies such as: The habit of production, consumption and the awareness of people along with the propaganda are not synchronous and effective; The collection of environmental tax for non-biodegradable plastic bags still faces difficulties while the price of environmentally friendly plastic bags is still high, so people, especially in rural areas, still use non-biodegradable plastic bags. 

     Plastic waste recycling facilities are still small in size, dispersed and use simple technology, potentially causing environmental pollution. The investigation and statistics on the production, consumption and treatment of plastic bags is still limited, leading to a lack of information when making management decisions.

     To overcome the shortcomings and inadequacies in the current management of plastic waste, and to effectively implement the direction of the Government and the Prime Minister on anti-plastic waste, right after the Nationwide Commencement Ceremony of “Anti-plastic Waste Movement 2019”, it is necessary to immediately implement some of the following main tasks and solutions:

     Firstly, to promote propaganda, raise community awareness and replicate good examples of restrictions on plastic bag use and plastic waste discharge

     In order to restrict the environmental pollution caused by plastic waste, it is necessary to have the participation of the whole political system and society. Therefore, the propaganda and community awareness-raising on the harmful effects of plastic waste; measures for reduction and reuse of plastic waste must be considered as key and thorough activities.

     For cadres, civil servants and officials, especially heads of units: It is necessary to disseminate, manage and require each individual to uphold exemplary spirit and take the lead in saying no to non-biodegradable plastic bags; at the same time, to strengthen propaganda to encourage relatives, families and people in the neighborhood to limit the use of plastic waste.

     For the community and enterprises: To continue to develop and implement propaganda programs on the prevention of plastic waste and disposable plastic bags, with diverse and suitable forms to each subject of propaganda, creating widespread and effective effects. The implementation of these propaganda programs will help enterprises and community transform from awareness to specific actions to use plastic products and environmentally-friendly plastic bags economically and effectively.

     To research and periodically organize to select and announce environmentally friendly products, shops and supermarkets; to identify and replicate advanced models, out-standing examples, practical and effective initiatives to timely encourage and honor enterprises, organizations and individuals who have contributed in solving problems on plastic waste.

     To review, develop and put anti-waste plastic content into educational programs at all educational levels to raise the students and teachers’ awareness in schools.

     Secondly, to continue to improve mechanisms, policies and laws related to plastic waste management

     To promptly develop and complete the Scheme on Strengthening Plastic Waste Management Capacity, expected to submit to the Prime Minister in November 2019. The main contents to be studied and proposed in the Scheme include: to review and perfect mechanisms, policies and laws on plastic waste management; to strengthen facilities and equipment, science and technology applications in the plastic waste management, etc.

     To speed up the progress of issuing the Decision No. 73/2014/QD-TTg of the Government on the list of discarded materials permitted to be imported with the direction of only allowing the import of plastics with high recycling value.

     To continue to study and propose to add plastic packaging to taxable subjects and raise tax rates to limit production and consumption; to increase environmental protection tax on non-biodegradable plastic bags; to supplement the regulation on environmentally friendly plastic bags to be exempted from environmental protection tax; incentives for the production and consumption of environmentally-friendly products to replace plastic products.

     To develop sanctions and strengthen inspection and examination, etc. At the same time, to develop policies, strategies and appropriate planning to put small, dispersed plastic facilities with simple technologies to concentrated industrial zones, to upgrade appropriate treatment and recycling technologies; to establish concentrated plastic recycling industrial zones.

     Thirdly, to strengthen coordination among Ministries, sectors and localities; the participation and supervision of political and social organizations, and press agencies

     The MONRE needs to promote the role of the unified state management on waste, strengthen coordination, support and urge the Ministries, sectors and localities and enterprises to implement the anti-plastic waste and non-biodegradable plastic bag movement.

     To promote the role of the Vietnam Women's Union and the provincial Women's Unions in propagating and mobilizing members to actively participate in not using disposable plastic bags and replacing with other types of bags when going shopping.

    Socio-political organizations and mass organizations need to mobilize members to participate in the sustainable consumption movement, not to use disposable plastic bags; to strengthen the role of supervising the implementation of the mechanism and policy to restrict the use of disposable plastic bags in localities, residential areas, etc. 

     To continue to promote the role of press agencies and mass media in disseminating contents related to the restriction on the use of plastic bags and plastic waste for the community.

     Fourthly, to develop technologies for plastic waste recycling and treatment, to promote research and application of new materials to replace the use of plastic bags

     To increase investment, research and application of new and modern technologies in plastic waste treatment and recycling and substitute product and material development.

     In the process of reviewing and evaluating environmental impact assessment reports and licensing for waste treatment projects, the investors will be required to enhance the use and application of new and modern technologies in waste recycling and treatment.

     Institutes, schools, scientists and enterprises need to promote research, development and technology transfer activities on environmentally friendly materials to replace disposable plastic products.

     Fifthly, to expand and promote the role of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, to promote international cooperation on anti-plastic waste

     To promote the establishment and promotion of the roles of the regional and global centers and the alliances of enterprises and consumers on anti-plastic waste and non-biodegradable plastic bags; the organizations of packaging recycling, using environmentally friendly materials and products to jointly prevent, treat and minimize plastic waste pollution; to restrict the use of disposable plastic products.

     To continue to closely coordinate with other countries and international organizations to enlist the support of capital sources, technology transfer, information and experience sharing to improve the efficiency of the plastic waste and non-biodegradable plastic bag management and treatment in Việt Nam.


Dr.  Hoàng Văn Thức  - Deputy Director General

Vietnam Environment Administration

(Source: Vietnam Environment Administration Magazine, English Edition II - 2019)



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